Pool Master Water Stabilizer 4KG
Water Stabilizer refers to cyanuric acid and it’s presence in swimming pool water. Stabilizer is measure in parts per million (ppm) and the desired range is 30 – 80ppm. As chlorine breaks down quite rapidly in sunlight Stabilizer is used to protect chlorine against UV degradation, making the chlorine last longer in the water.
Maintaining a proper level of Stabilizer saves money in chlorine and is part of a goood overall water balance.
Note that some types of chlorine such as Super Chlor and Tri-Chlor already contain stabilizer and the constant use of these products will increase your stabilizer level too high.
Dose Rate: Add at a rate of 370 grams per 10,000L for an increase of 10ppm. Stabilizer is very slow disolving. Add it to a skimmer sock or old stockings and tie it to the swimming pool ladder.
Active Constituent: Cyanuric Acid
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